Club Monaco Mobile App Intro
Mobile App Project - The fictitious project's goal was to design the key screens of an eCommerce app. Using a fashion brand like Club Monaco, who didn't have an available app at the time. Doing many sketches, research on best UX/UI experiences. Getting familiar with the brand identity, colours and icons. Keeping in mind, who their customers age, lifestyle, key points of shopping interests were.
Homepage - To avoid overwhelming the Club Monaco customers with many messages. The homepage was kept clean and simple. Giving key features more focus, like categories and shipping messaging. But also having collapsible menus. Mobile finger accessible master menu buttons.
Master Menu Icons - The main menu icons was design to be reachable with the user's thumb. Avoiding the need to have two fingers on screen at all time. The two icons provide collapsible menus with more content when needed. This allowed to have a cleaner screen to view products better.
Collapsible Menu - Even if the content on each page was cleaner, with less buttons and banners. Everything a Club Monaco customer needed to navigate across the app to reach their needs. Was accessible with accordions and pop-ups.
PDP Page - The PDP grid and product detail pages were also cleaned up and simplified. When navigating on the PDP grid, a two column structure was best practice. But switched when reviewing the product detail page for larger images of the items.
Club Monaco Mobile App

